Thursday 7 August 2014

Threaded Canvas and Lucy's Crafty Keepsakes

Here's a quick update on everything.

I haven't kept to my blogging schedule: i apologise!

I've recently started working full time and have set up my own business.

Firstly: the job.
For all those wondering, I'm now working in North Wales at a factory owned by PV France. I'm really enjoying it, but it takes up 8 and a half hours of my day, Monday to Friday, so I've considerably less time to blog to start with!

Secondly: the business.
I've also recently started a business called Lucy's Crafty Keepsakes. Here's the link to the facebook page:

I'm currently running a free give away if the latest status reaches 20 likes by 8pm this Saturday!

As of today I've become an affiliate of Threaded Canvas. It's a website that uses minor artists work to print on t-shirts mainly, and the artists themselves get a cut of the profits.

Please check out the website. There's now a link on the right hand side of my blog.

You can pay to receive a box a month with different t-shirts and a piece of art work by the chosen artists that week!

Fourth and last thing:
Thank you all for bearing with me recently. Especially friends and family as things are pretty hectic at the moment.

Over and out!


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