Sunday, 6 July 2014


This weekend, I attended the wedding service of someone I've known for as long as I can remember.

They had the most beautiful service, and of course the bride looked stunning. Everything about it was perfect. The decorations, outfits, the order of services that were given out, the atmosphere...just everything!

It only seems like yesterday that the groom, his sister, my brother, and two other mutual friends (who lived in the same village as us, and went to the same school etc etc etc) used to build snowmen, and try to create igloos. The quote we would all give you if you asked any of us to name one from playing out in the snow was "my numb is bum". I think the cold got to her head a little!

It amazes me how quickly time is going, and how much changes as you grow up. I'm only 19, but things have changed so much from when we were those children out playing (especially in the snow!), and the movies nights and 'get togethers' as we got older. Now we've all moved on and are living all over the country - Bristol, Leicester, London etc. One is married (and another soon to be). Everyone is moving on with their lives.

We've all met some incredible people who we now call our friends, we've done some amazing things and had some great experiences. We barely keep in touch, but when we all meet up it's like there's never been any time apart.

To think we've grown so quickly to being in the same primary school, to now living independently, having jobs/studying at university such seem crazy.

I guess the point of this post is to just say:

  • People come and go in your life - appreciate the time you have with them, even if it's only a moment
  • Appreciate life for what it is - every changing/a series of experiences, make the most of each one
  • Time doesn't ever stop because you want it to
  • Make the most of being in the moment - you'll never get another exactly like it

Make a list of what/who you're grateful for and make sure they know it!

Here's a small part of my list:

  • Family
  • friends (including those who I don't keep in contact with. I'll always cherish good memories and time with great people)
  • Acquaintances - the people I don't know the names of but who have brightened my day with little things like exchanging a smile, or moving your bag on a bus for me to sit down, holding the door an extra second so it doesn't slam in my face etc. 
  • The every day things - having a bed, a home, warmth, heat, everything I want, most of the things I want, an education, clothes, the very thoughtful and kinds messages/gifts from friends (especially when there's no special occasion!), a nice conversation, people caring, photographs, memories.... I could go on
  • The big things - having my work published in a book, modelling, travelling to Italy/Malaysia/Australia/France/Switzerland, my car
I'm sure the little things/big things should be the other way around if it was judged on how important they were to me. The list could go on forever, but writing it all down makes you realise how blessed we all are.

I've realised it's the people I meet that I appreciate most in life. So many people come and go, but looking back, every person I've met has taught me something. Whether that's not to judge, or to accept people as they are, or that not everyone/everything in life is bad, life is what you make it and it's far better when you're accepting of things for what they are, don't try to change people, I could go on... but here's a big thank you to everyone who has impacted my life and taught me something, no matter how it was taught, I'm now in a place where I can be grateful for it.

Appreciate those things on your list whilst they are there, because they may not be tomorrow.

I'm sure I didn't appreciate the happy snow days (for example) anywhere near as much as I do now. Looking back, it's the smallest, simple, everyday things I enjoy and appreciate more - being with genuinely great people I call friends, not the material things in life.

I've realised how many people there are that need to be made aware of how great they are for who they are, not for what they for reality to time!

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