Sunday, 6 July 2014

Feel Good Sunday #1

This is a week late, but it will be the first in the series of weekly Sunday posts.

It's usually feel Good Friday, right? Right, but with people usually dreading going back to work/school/university/normality on a Monday morning, Sunday nights can be all doom and gloom. So each Sunday will be a positive blog with a new mantra you can use that week, because who couldn't do without a little positivity?

#1 : The Butterfly Theory

Recently I spent almost two weeks in North Wales (watch this space to find out more about it). During one of the days we visited a place which held a room full of butterflies that would fly around you as you walked through.

Now, this got me thinking, as most things do when I least expect it... These butterflies always appeared beautiful. They flutter on by as they have no other way of getting around. So I thought, wouldn't it be great if we could live our lives like this.

Let me explain. Throughout life we meet some amazing people who always manage to keep a smile on their face no matter what circumstance they find themselves in. They manage to appear to keep moving forward no matter what they're facing, much like butterflies appear to.

Is this always the case?

These people seem flawless in their approach to life, but we all know no one is perfect. So how do they do it?

Step One: a positive attitude

I'm going to call this step 'flutter'.

Some people find this difficult, but if you look closely enough there will be something positive to take from every situation, every moment, every day of your life, even if you have to make that positive moment happen for yourself. This is what keeps people moving forward. They don't dwell on the negative.

Step Two: Smile

I'm going to call this step 'appear'.

We are all automatically drawn to someone to is smiling, and it is scientifically proven that smiles can be contagious. So, even if you're not having the best day, smile. Create that bit of happiness for someone else. If you're having a good day smiling can be a lot easier, and of course this is good to share with the world.

We often look at butterflies and see how beautiful the patterns their wings are. No matter how they may feel, on the outside they look great... so why not see smiles in the same way? This isn't about pretending you're ok, or hiding how you feel, as self expression is an important part of life. It's simply about sharing or creating happiness through smiling.

Step Three: Take time out

I'm going to call this step 'rest'.

We only ever seem to notice the butterflies that are flying around, attracting our attention. However, an important part of their life (and ours), is to take time out to rest and just be - to take a look and evaluate our life - enjoy the moment so to speak. We're often so busy, that we don't take time to enjoy the moment we're in now and recharge our batteries so to speak.

To sum up...

  • Flutter - keep moving forward with a positive attitude

  • Appear - remember to smile and share happiness with others

  • Rest  - take time out to rest and enjoy the moment you're in

You could carry around a little piece of paper in your purse with a butterfly drawing on to remind you.

If you have any other ideas of how to remember this one, comment below.


- Flutter - Appear - Rest -


  1. Great ideas and I love the butterfly analogy. I would also call this F.A.R as a reminder, the initials and the meanings behind it will further your happiness.

  2. That a good idea, and simple to remember!
    I like this a lot. Thank you for sharing.
