It's that time of year when the campaigning starts to win your votes and become a representative of the SU.
So, this is my first year in university, and so it's my first time experiencing this time of year in the university calender! However, I've written just a couple of things to keep in mind over the voting period (10am on Monday the 24th to 5pm on Thursday the 27th!):
- Were there things you weren't happy with this year, but weren't heard?
Vote for someone who you believe will listen and keep to their word! It's important you have your views heard, and there are candidates who will listen and do what they can to improve your experiences.
- What do they stand for?
Take good time to look into what each candidate stand for before you vote! It only takes 5 minutes on . Don't agree with what they stand for? Then, don't vote. Simple.
- Are the reliable?
The chances are you're not going to know this unless you know the candidates personally. So, get to know them. Keep an eye out for them around campus, ask them questions, or send them a quick email/facebook message. It's usually easy to see if you're being fed a load of lies, or if their heart is really in it.
- Invest time in voting
Most people reading this won't have got this far into the blog post, however, if you have, PLEASE make sure you vote for who you want to represent you. You can't expect to have your say or your voice heard if you don't take the chance to vote for who respresents your voice when it matters. These representatives will be the ones taking the time to make the changes you want to see, so the least you can do is take the time to vote at
Happy campaigning/voting!
Dan for Carmarthen SU President!
Sophia for Carmarthen SU Vice President!
Flora for Lampeter SU President!
Beth for Swansea SU President!
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