Monday, 31 March 2014


When will anyone care without suffocating or hidden motive, for personal gain or selfish ambitions?

When will humanity simply be, stand strong individually, but unite together and support each other?


Where is the sense of community in society?

An isolation lingers with nothing to fear,

Or are we blinded by everything, so that nothing becomes everything and so fear is found everywhere? Fear of the unknown. We’re surrounded by the unknown: a world of mysteries, and mysterious beings.


Is to be right, right? Or is wrong right, and right wrong?

Is it the old battle of dreams Vs reality?

What is they’ve blurred into one?


Not in the sense of getting to live your dream,

But if your nightmares become your reality,

Where’s left to escape or hide?


If you’re afraid of judgement,

Yet judge that stripper on the street,

Does that mean you’re afraid of yourself?


Or is fear the very thing keeping us safe?

An automatic response mechanism for protection from danger,

That same danger society seems to find in every stranger


But isn’t our society a group of strangers,

With decreasing sense of community, compassion and caring?


We put danger from a stranger in our minds,

When all along they could be someone to make your day that bit better.

Does that mean the fear of stranger danger is a real concept?

Or something solely created to live in our minds?


Is everything in our minds reality?

Do our minds unlock the door to possibility?


You see possible can become impossible,

And impossible can become possible,

Depending on the absence of presence of thought and mind


Take situations as you find them,

And live in the hope of a possible reality,

Not in the imaginary possibility


The world is full on contradiction

The world preaches imagination, but punishes the creative inspirations,

Encourages dreams, but discourages chasing them,

Screams for truth, but silences that which MAY offend

Craves love, but teaches fear,

Blinds you from danger, but warns you to suspect everyone and everything

Demands you to be yourself, but segregates the different, the unique,

Calls you to be part of society, but unless you stick to the status quo society doesn’t want to know


I’m saying now to be yourself.

Live your life. Be conscious of other’s wants, needs and beliefs, but don’t bend your own just to fit. Listen, appreciate and adapt accordingly.

Be an adventurer, inventor, a creator or be the supportive, encouraging and loving.

Acknowledge everyone’s different, and appreciate the beauty of that.

Accept everyone is a warrior in their own battle,

But never forget we’re all connected in the existence of humanity.

All flawed, but perfectly natural.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Student Union Elections

It's that time of year when the campaigning starts to win your votes and become a representative of the SU.

So, this is my first year in university, and so it's my first time experiencing this time of year in the university calender! However, I've written just a couple of things to keep in mind over the voting period (10am on Monday the 24th to 5pm on Thursday the 27th!):

- Were there things you weren't happy with this year, but weren't heard?

Vote for someone who you believe will listen and keep to their word! It's important you have your views heard, and there are candidates who will listen and do what they can to improve your experiences.

- What do they stand for?

Take good time to look into what each candidate stand for before you vote! It only takes 5 minutes on . Don't agree with what they stand for? Then, don't vote. Simple.

- Are the reliable?

The chances are you're not going to know this unless you know the candidates personally. So, get to know them. Keep an eye out for them around campus, ask them questions, or send them a quick email/facebook message. It's usually easy to see if you're being fed a load of lies, or if their heart is really in it.

- Invest time in voting

Most people reading this won't have got this far into the blog post, however, if you have, PLEASE make sure you vote for who you want to represent you. You can't expect to have your say or your voice heard if you don't take the chance to vote for who respresents your voice when it matters. These representatives will be the ones taking the time to make the changes you want to see, so the least you can do is take the time to vote at

Happy campaigning/voting!

Dan for Carmarthen SU President!

Sophia for Carmarthen SU Vice President!

Flora for Lampeter SU President!

Beth for Swansea SU President!

Friday, 21 March 2014

The Latest Social Media Craze

The latest social media craze of uploading a bare faced 'selfie' has recently taken over the internet. Women all over the world are uploading a bare face photo of themselves and donating £3 to cancer research by texting BEAT to  70007. The idea is then to tag a few friends so they do the same, etc. 

The initial reaction from a minority was one filled with negativity (as there always is), but there's no doubt that this latest trend has led to a significant increase in the funds raised for cancer research despite the instigation of the trend not coming from a cancer research charity. The initial cause was to lower the age of smear testing after the latest news of a young female who passed away after being denied a smear test. Click here to read the full story. However, Cancer research UK has noted an increase in funds of £2,000,000 due to the #NoMakeUpSelfie trend.

Click here to see Cancer Research UK's reaction.

However, there will always be a minority of those who upload their picture for their own vanity. Are we as a society becoming more concerned with how we look rather than the major issues people face every day? There's no doubt the majority of those joining this latest trend have the cause close to heart and are doing what they can to keep that in mind and act on it...but is it enough for those others to simply post their photo to try and make themselves appear to be doing good?

Baring your face to the whole world via the internet can be a daunting thing to do, however, it seems this isn't being appreciated and the 'haters' are more concerned about how society is moving on in the way we raise funds for charity. Whilst traditional methods of fundraising involve the person needed to put a lot of effort in to achieve their goal and gain sponsors, or involve a physical and face to face interaction, the online campaigns still achieve the fundraising needed. Is the method important as long as it's an honest one?

The sheer volume of responses to this latest trend is definitely the mark of a milestone showing how technological advances are changing the way the world works.

There's no way to avoid technology on a day to day basis, so is there an issue with utilising this online access to the world wide public? It opens up another avenue for individuals to become lazy, but also, it's a great source of widening people's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, and bringing major issues to light.


So, is the negative response from the minority the right one?
More importantly: Will this campaign pave the way in which funds are now raised, and cause traditional good deed methods forgotten?

You decide.

View my latest HuffPost blog here: