Tuesday, 17 September 2013


So, recently I joined the wonderful Minds Like Ours (MiLO) which has become a non profit organisation. As of today I've been made an ambassador for depression on the MiLO forum (yay).

Minds Like Ours is a non profit organisation run by those affected by mental health issues, for those affected by it.

What's is about?

- MiLO's aim is to stamp out stigma surrounding mental health
- Our forum is there to provide support and share ideas
- The website is the main hub which provides useful helplines whilst also giving a way to access our shop, facebook page, forum and twitter.
- The shop is there for people to buy items that raise awareness for mental health in the hope of breaking down the stigma

What's this got to do with me?

- So many people in the UK are affected by mental health, with an estimated 1 in four personally dealing with a mental health issue in the course of a year
- This means it's very likely that you or someone you know is affected

How can you help?
- MiLO welcome people from all walks of life to join our campaign to break down the stigma
- You can help by liking our facebook page, re-tweeting us, joining our forum, or sharing any of our links
- If you were feeling strongly about helping the cause, you could write a blog or make a video sharing your stories or experience regarding mental health and we'll get them posted on our website/youtube account

#TerrificTuesday is to share things that make us happy and to generally think of the positives of life

My terrific Tuesday: 

- This little fella makes me happy

- Looking at photos of places I've been and people I've been with

- Positive quote

Join with us in #TerrificTuesday 


  1. Ah what a lovely post Lucy! Glad you're having a terrific Tuesday too :)

    Oh and congratulations on the ambassador position, you deserve it.

  2. Thank you so much Bex!Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday too :D
