Friday, 20 September 2013

Inspiring A Generation

It's when we're young children that we're probably at our most selfless and accepting. Young children don't discriminate based on looks... or at all. They play with anyone and have no sense of cynicism.

Yet, as each generation grows up, they have something negative to say about the younger generations...
"We knew how to behave"
"They're so selfish"
etc etc...

Has no one ever stopped to think that those young, innocent children look up to older generations to learn how to behave?

If you ask most children and teenagers what they want to do with their lives, they'll give you a response regarding a career. Very rarely, if at all is there a response of "I want to help as many people as I can" or "I'd love to be a part of stopping world hunger". Our thinking is conditioned from a young age to have aspirations surrounding jobs. Working and earning your own money is important, yes... but there are far bigger things at hand.

Inspiring a generation is about being a selfless, non-judgmental generation ourselves to set the example for those who follow.
It's about teaching tolerance. I don't mean tolerance of crime or things like that, but to accept people from all walks or life, who looks different etc etc without judging or treating them differently
Most people see or read horrifying true stories of situations that are all to common in our world, yet will do nothing about it. There'll be a sense of guilt for a few minutes, but they will not change any part of their life to help those people they learn about.

To me the greatest sense of achievement isn't in how much money you earn, but how much you give away. It isn't about how much you own, but about how much you've helped those in need. I mean real need, not "I need new clothes" when there's a perfectly good wardrobe full.

I've only mentioned that big issues so far...but inspiring a generation isn't just about wanting them to give money away. It's about teaching selflessness and tolerance..Not teaching judgement.

It's the small every day things such as asking someone how they are, to the big things of volunteering to go to third world countries and actively help to improve their quality of life.

Teaching outside of school is no longer about telling people how they should be, but more about setting at example of how to live. It's about being the change that we want to see in the next generation because we are the people they will look up to and copy.

It's not only celebs who are looked up to and followed, but it's the every day people we're surrounded with that are respected more and more. It's the everyday people that we learn our behaviours from.
                                         It's about being the change we want to see.

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