Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A Guide To Surviving Freshers Week

Freshers week: usually the first week many have spent away from home living with a bunch of strangers and having some good nights out.

1) Whether you're an alcoholic or you don't drink at all, nights out at the union are a MUST!! It's a great way to meet people and have a good ol' time dancing and what not.

2) Don't shut yourself away in your room. Doesn't matter if you're the most confident person in the world or the most're all in the same boat!! Get involved with your flat mates or people on your course... They're the people you'll be spending at least the next year with, it's a good idea to get to know them

3) Be yourself... The last thing anyone wants in their flat is a fake flatmate. I can guarantee the people your with will want to get to know you instead of someone you may be pretending to be... you can't keep that up forever!

4) Don't be afraid to start conversations....Don't leave it to the same people all the time or they'll stop making the effort and will think you can't be bothered

5) Keep your things tidy... Your room is up to you.. but shared areas are used by everyone. Your flatmates won't appreciate you leaving a mess all over the kitchen or leaving your makeup all over the bathroom!! (especially when you're sharing with 44 people like I am!)

6) Drink lots of water and eat regularly! You will not be able to keep up wild nights every night if you're still hung over and dying from the night before... PACE YOURSELF!

7) Don't be worried about having a night in.. If you're not up for nights out every night, I'm sure there'll be other people feeling the same... invite them over for a night in... they're essential for recovering from those nights out!

8) Keep an eye on how much you spend.... Blowing your entire loan in the first week is going to leave you stuck for the rest of the term... not a good idea

9) Make an effort to get to know everyone in you're sharing with...Some people may be feeling homesick or left out and don't know how to get involved... speak to them! It's a good way of making new friends.. or if that's you... try hanging out in the shared areas... you're bound to make friends quickly

10) Explore where you're living...There's no point moving to university if you're just going to stay in your room. Explore the town/city...It's something to do with your flatmates as you're all in the same position!

Enjoy Yourself

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