Sunday, 12 January 2014

Live Every Day Like It's Your Last

(Short blog inspired by song. Link to be found below)

"Live every day like it's your last"
 Such a common phrase thrown around. We all agree with it and then carry on our lives as normal.

Stand back and take a good look. Do you live every day like it's your last? Do you appreciate every moment possible to make it the best life you can?

I'm not one for big grand gestures, but perception of life can ultimately determine how you live it.

*Brace yourself for a controversial statement*
I think we ALL could live our lives that little bit better regardless of who we are, where we come from, our age, or how busy our lives are.

If someone said to you "today is your last day. Spend it wisely", would we let fear stop us taking the chance of achieving what we want? Would we let the people we love slip away without telling them? Would we take for granted the simple things?
I know I wouldn't, but we're all different.

Life is for living and so often we let petty arguments, possessions or fear get in the way of what we truly love and appreciate. What a waste, right?!

Everyone is different, and appreciates different things...but where we all come together with common ground  is a need to find what matters to us and appreciate it/make the most of it.

Life your life. Don't let fear stand in the way of happiness. Appreciate every moment of your life: it's worth living.

If today was your last day, would you spent it this way anyway?

Friday, 3 January 2014

Minds Like Ours

Many of you who read my blog are aware of a mental health non-profit organisation called Minds Like Ours.

Here's everything you need to know:
"In July 2013 BBC Three ran a mental health season called “It’s A Mad World” . It featured many incredible programmes including Don’t Call Me Crazy, OCD Camp, Inside My Mind and Diaries of a Broken Mind. Taking part in Diaries of a Broken Mind was a young woman called Bex, who lives with agoraphobia. Once the show was aired Bex could not believe the positive response coming from people all over the internet; it gave her an idea.

Just three days later…
3 days after Diaries of a Broken Mind was aired Bex and a friend James put together Minds Like Ours."                                    - Taken from the Minds Like Ours website
What we do:
Minds like ours is a non-profit organisation ran by those affected by mental health for those also affected by it.
The forum creates a large community feel where all sorts of discussions are held and we all get to know each other. Our aim is to stamp out the stigma surrounding mental health and provide support for those who are affected by it.
How you can help:
Are you or a loved one affected by mental health? Would you like to share your story? To get involved head to the website :,uk
All other Minds Like Ours (MiLO) social media activities can be found from the website.

Please check out these amazing blogs from MiLO Directors/Ambassador